Alternate Puritan Pagan universe Wiki

In 2067 the technology bring extinct species was developed by the biotech firm new horizons. The first species to be brought back from extinction was the woolly mammoth and this occurred in 2077. In 2078 the passenger pigeon, the Tasmanian Devil and many other species were reintroduced. In 2199 the dodo bird was brought back to life followed by the giant ground sloth which eventually caused destruction. Unfortunately the 22nd century this technology was acquired by terrorist groups that genetically reengineered extinct viruses including smallpox which killed 50 million people in 2299  this led to restrictions in this technology insured that do not follow the wrong hands.  this technology help rebuild the ecosystems of the planet and reintroduce organisms that people believe were long extinct. The technology could only be applied to organisms that recently went extinct not prehistoric fossilized organisms such as dinosaurs. This technology also popularized rare and exotic meats in the 23rd century such as woolly mammoth stakes. Eventually these products were banned and heavily restricted. This technology was controversially also use to bring back Neanderthals in 3033 however this experiment was quickly made illegal. This technology continue to use while to the 83rd century. After this point the technology was no longer necessary and was quickly abandoned as a result of ecological collapse of much of the Western world year 9999. After this year all of Western civilization the sending into a new dark age which the client and recover from until the year 15,000.
